Radiation treatment for thyroid cancer can leave a person with little to no thyroid hormone production. Living the rest of their life on external intake of synthetic thyroid hormone, natural thyroid hormone or a mix of the 2 is a necessary course of a action.
Thyroid cancer can have the appearance of either hyperthyroid or hypothyroid, depending on the location, extent of damage and type of cancerous cells are present.
While medicine is currently at the state where knowing what type of cancer it is doesn't change the treatment much (cut it out or radiate it), big changes are not too far off.
In Europe there are labs that currently will look at blood and cells in a different manner. They will apply certain medications, vitamins, minerals, etc. to the cancer cell and see how well it destroys the cancer.
What does this mean? Well, we know that grape seed extract and quercetin are both excellent nutrients used for their anti-cancer properties. But what we don't really know is what is a good dose, what will it work well with, and how well will they work...and here is the most important part...for that person!!!
Doctors often treat patients by what has good results in subjects in studies. Studies are great guides, but do not correlate perfectly for you, the unique individual.
This type of lab work is a couple of years off before it will start to gain more popularity. Think of the possibilities though. The right meds, the right supplements and the right diet, all at the right dose to give you the very best chance of beating any cancer (including thyroid cancer).
But what can you do to make sure that you are in as much control of your health as possible today?
- Do things that have been proven to increase the sensitivity of the thyroid hormone receptors to the thyroid hormone itself. Specific nutritional supplements, dietary foods and lifestyle changes can all make your body more efficient at using thyroid hormones.
- Eliminate those things that have been proven to block the use of thyroid hormone on the thyroid hormone receptors. The world is filled with natural and synthetic stressors that can cause changes in the thyroid hormone receptor's ability to bind to thyroid hormone.
- Make sure that your medication protocol has either natural T3 (best alternative) or synthetic T3 in the mix. I would rather see a natural product like armour thyroid be used, since it is about 20% T3. Armour thyroid may also have other contents not yet understood that help with thyroid hormone function. Your doctor may want to mix the natural with synthetic thyroid hormone so that T3 is at a level more like it would be found in the body (some find great improvements with T3 levels at 2% and T4 at 98% of the thyroid hormone levels).
- Make anticancer changes in your life. While there are as any theories as to what causes cancer as their are doctors studying the issue, it is well excepted by almost all that you can live a life that promotes or prevents your chances of having cancer.
Stay healthy and keep your ears open. Big changes to the way we fight thyroid cancer and all other types of cancer is not too far off.